Launch of Front-Line Cities and Islands Initiative
Photo: Centre President Tommy E. Remengesau Jr. of Palau with Mayor Perla Cecilia Tun Pech of Cozumel. Centre Left to Right: Assistant Minister Lorna Eden of Fiji, UN Special Envoy on Oceans Peter Thompson, Steve Gawler and Yunus Arikan of ICLEI. Centre right to Right: Councillor Penny Hulse of Auckland Council, BMZ Franz Marré and the Mayor of Honiara Andrew Mua united in climate and resilience action and solutions.
Mayors and leaders of islands at the front-line of climate change, from the President of Palau to Mayor of Cozumel, Mexico, came together with mayors and leaders of cities around the world to join forces in taking action to address climate change and build resilience through the launch of Front-line Cities and Islands at COP23, the 23rd United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany.